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Fresno Pepper Plant


Fresno Pepper Plant

  • Basic Information -

    Fresno peppers are red peppers ranging from 2,500 to 10,000 on the Scoville Heat Unit scale. This makes them a somewhat sweet pepper with a medium level of heat. They grow to be around four inches long. Our favorite way to use this pepper is in a hot sauce or a stir fry.


    Growing Conditions -

    “This pepper” thrive under the following growing conditions:

    • Temperature Range: 60-80 °F
    • Light: 6-8 hours each day (more heat and sunlight tends to make for spicier peppers)
    • Soil: well-drained, loamy or sandy soil, warm
    • Water: deep watering, drip irrigation preferred

    To effectively harden and transplant your vegetable, consult the instructions via the QR code included with the plant.


    Harvesting -

    Days to Maturity: ~ 74 days

    You will know your pepper is ready to harvest when the pepper is full length and red. Be sure to cut the pepper with scissors rather than pulling it away from the plant.

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