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Habanero Pepper Plant


Habanero Pepper Plant

  • Basic Information -

    Habanero peppers are orange colored peppers ranging from 100,000-350,000 on the Scoville Heat Unit scale. This makes them a very spicy pepper. They are a smaller pepper, growing from to 1-2.5 inches long. Our favorite way to use this pepper is in a hot sauce... we challenge you to find some creative for this spicy veggie!


    Growing Conditions -

    Habanero peppers thrive under the following growing conditions:

    • Temperature Range: 70-80 °F
    • Light: at least 8 hours of direct sunlight (more heat and sunlight tends to make for spicier peppers)
    • Soil: loamy/sandy, well-drained soil
    • Water: be careful not to over-water, about 1 inch per week

    To effectively harden and transplant your vegetable, consult the instructions via the QR code included with the plant.


    Harvesting -

    Days to Maturity: 90-120 days

    You will know your pepper is ready to harvest when they are bright orange and 1-2.5 inches long.

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