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San Marzano Tomato Plant

San Marzano Tomato Plant

  • Basic Information –

    San Marzano tomatoes are long, thin plum tomatoes. This type of tomato is fantastic for canning and for mixing up a homemade marinara sauce.


    Growing Conditions -

    San Marzano tomatoes thrive under the following growing conditions:

    • Temperature Range: 70-85 °F (day), 60-70 °F (night)
    • Light: 6-8 hours daily
    • Soil: loamy, well-drained
    • Water: 1-2 inches per week, daily watering depending on the weather

    To effectively harden and transplant your vegetable, consult the instructions via the QR code included with the plant.


    Harvesting -

    Days to Maturity: 78-85 days

    You will know your tomato is ready to harvest when it has reached its desired color, size, and firmness.

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